
1 Corinthians: How Christ and the Gospel Shape the Church

The Church in Corinth was probably not the kind of church many of us would choo…

1 Samuel: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

We live in a city that is fixated with outward appearances. We judge others bas…

Abide in Christ

Jesus says that the Christian life can be compared to a grape-vine: the only wa…

Advent 2021: Incarnation - When God Became Man

Christmas is a wonderful season of joy, of hope, of excitement, and anticipatio…

Advent 2022: Let Heaven & Nature Sing

One of the great traditions of Christmas is the songs that we sing; many of the…

Advent 2023: Unwrappping Empty Gifts - When Christmas Lets You Down

Many of us will receive gifts at Christmas time. Some of them will be expensive…